Abuse happens to people of all ages, races, income level, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity.
You have the RIGHT to be safe.
If your partner:
humiliates you
yells at you
makes you feel crazy
isolates you from friends
tells you what to do/can’t do
demands sexual favours
makes threats to harm
destroys your things
blames you for their behaviour
you may be suffering abuse.
General Services
shelter for women and children
counselling and information on abuse and its effects
advocacy: help in accessing community resources such as financial assistance, police, lawyers, children’s services, etc.
accompaniment to court and professional appointments
Ourselves support group
Outreach Services
Autumn House offers outreach services to reach victims of abuse in the community. If you require this support we can arrange to meet with you in your community.
Children’s Outreach Program
Autumn House also offers services to children who are affected by family violence:
share and learn counselling sessions
discussions and workbook activities
support and information
children’s education and support group.
New Directions
New Directions is a program of the Cumberland County Transition House Association that offers assistance to men who engage in abusive behaviour. We are a closed-group program that covers 20 or more topics. We meet once a week for 2 hours. There are 10-12 men in the group. Confidentiality is respected which creates a safe environment for you to come and share your experiences, explore your options, and work on changing your abusive behaviour.